Nominations close 14th April 2025
The British-American Project strives to draw its membership from as wide a selection of backgrounds and fields as possible. The competition for places is generally fierce. Each year we run a rigorous selection process to identify approximately 24 individuals from the US and 24 from the UK, to join the Fellowship from all walks of life: business, media, law, government, parliament, the armed services, the public sector and creative industries. We receive over 200 nominations from existing BAP Fellows, Advisory Board members and our partner organisations. The respective Selections Committees in the US and UK evaluate these nominations against the following criteria:
- The ability to take risks with ideas
- The ability to offer significant insights from both their own specialism and other domains
- Interest in the views of others
- Interest in the transatlantic dimension of the Project
- Leadership – achievement or potential to make significant impact in their fields
- A personality which combines well with the chemistry of the conference
- Long term potential to benefit the applicant / the Project
Nominees are generally between 28-40 years old, with a proven track record of achievement and high future potential. Delegates are chosen on the basis that they will contribute to, and benefit from, the experience of the four-day conference and subsequent lifelong membership of the Fellowship.
In the UK, candidates attend selection interviews which take the form of a round table discussion with between 8 and 12 nominees. These are usually held in the Spring. Regardless of outcome, the Project tries to make the selection evening an enjoyable experience in itself.
In the US, nominees submit written applications and “attend” mandatory virtual interviews with a member of the National Selections Committee. Preliminary Selections Committee members act as coordinating points for the nominations and conduct an initial review of applications and resumes. They then provide recommendations to the National Selections Committee for final consideration.
The composition of the final group of approximately 48 successful nominations is rarely about the calibre of the candidate or their specific achievements. By definition, those who are nominated are already well-recognised in their respective fields.
BAP focuses on what they are likely to contribute to BAP, and how they might benefit from the experience of the annual conference and lifelong membership of the Fellowship. In selecting candidates each year, the Committees ensure that the Fellowship maintains the rich diversity of professions, experiences, and perspectives that makes BAP the unique experience it is.
Successful nominees receive bursaries for their first year’s attendance at BAP’s annual conference. These bursaries are generously funded by the Fellowship and our corporate partners.
For UK nominations, have a quick read of the UK top tips to nominating and UK nominator guidelines for help.