What is BAP? Media Statement


The British-American Project [BAP] is a fellowship of individuals from The United Kingdom and The United States of America that come from a broad spectrum of occupations and backgrounds.  Founded in 1985 to nurture the special transatlantic relationship, its formal activity is an annual conference open to existing Fellows and the class of incoming delegates who are rising leaders in their fields. The conference is supported by an annual calendar of events on current affairs and special interest topics. 

The Fellowship provides an opportunity for Fellows to test their limits, learn from the perspectives and experiences of others, and challenge (or be challenged on) their assumptions about the world.  BAP values diversity, equity and inclusion in both the spectrum of our membership and the discussions and experiences we share.   BAP is strictly apolitical and not-for-profit, and makes no policy decisions nor issues statements. 

How is BAP run?

BAP is run by its Fellowship and an employed Project Director.  The UK and US Executive committees are elected by the membership and supported by an Advisory Board. Discussions are held under the Chatham House rule and the conference is not a public event.

How is BAP funded?

Fellows pay an annual membership fee to be part of BAP. The annual conference is funded by Fellows who pay their own fees to attend, and a small number of sponsors. Delegates for each annual conference are funded by the Fellows through membership income. 

How many delegates join each year/ how do delegates get selected?

Following a selection and interview process, around 50 delegates join BAP each year, with up to 25 from the UK and 25 from the US. Delegates are nominated by existing Fellows. Delegates join the annual conference, and accede to the fellowship at the next AGM post-conference, should they so wish.